Donuts on Donuts on Donuts

It’s the day we’ve been waiting for all week! Happy National Donut Day!!! I had to do one more crazy, donut-themed post before the end of today, so here’s what I’ve been calling “donuts on donuts on donuts” all day. If you thought that the mini donuts from yesterday’s post were cute, just wait until you see the even tinier Cheerio “donuts” today. They’ll make your heart melt and your stomach really hungry! 

My boyfriend is telling me I need to make a Yo Dawg reference…so I heard you like donuts so I put a donut on your donut on your donut. Basically. Now that we’ve got that super old meme out of the way, who’s ready to lounge all day, eat donuts, and learn how to make the most adorable miniature donut tower cakes?!

For the super tiny donuts, take a Cheerio and decorate it how you would a normal donut. I carefully placed the sprinkles on each of them with my fingers, but if getting the sprinkles on is proving to be challenging, you can always use a wet toothpick to pick up the sprinkles and place them on the Cheerios. For the regular sized donuts, you can buy a frosted donut or use your favorite donut recipe. I used a frosted donut from my local donut shop today since they were giving out free donuts! (Make sure to go get your free donut today)

I hope you all had fun celebrating donut *week with me, and if you’re still craving donuts you can find me over on & Apparel’s Instagram account for the rest of the day! I’ll definitely be posting more donuts soon (because we all know every day should be National Donut Day), so donut worry!

Have an Aww Sam rest of your donut day, and make sure to tag your donut creations with #donutworrybeawwsam!

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