DIY Flamingo Wall Hooks

If you follow me on Snapchat @awww.sam, you’ll know I’ve been up to something with lawn flamingos. More specifically, decapitating lawn flamingos. I promise this post won’t be that creepy though! You’ll also know that I moved this past weekend, which is why my blog has been on a little hiatus (I still don’t have internet, but I managed to steal some from someone down the hall for this post). Anyways, since moving, I’ve been constantly looking at new furniture and new decorations, and I came to the conclusion that I just simply don’t have as much flamingo paraphernalia as I’d like! I’m always hanging things off of my lawn flamingos, so I figured this same concept would work if I turned those lawn flamingos into snazzy wall hooks. 

Find out how to make them for your own space below, and see some first looks at my new studio space! I’m definitely going to fill this little space with a whole lot of color!

I was so worried that these were going to come out being really bizarre (they were definitely creepy up until I spray-painted them), but they turned out a lot better than expected and I’m always happy to add a splash color to the wall! 

– Lawn flamingos (I got mine here)
– A wooden dowel that is the same diameter as the neck of your flamingo
– Epoxy (Make sure you read the instructions on how to use this if you haven’t before)
– Dry wall screws 2″ long
– Cordless drill 
– Coping saw
– Spray paint in whatever colors your would like to paint your hooks

1. Use a coping saw to saw the head off of your lawn flamingo. This is the most gruesome instruction I will ever write, but I promise it gets less gruesome after this. 

2. Cut a 2″ long piece of your wooden dowel at a 45 degree angle. Drill one dry wall screw through the top of the piece of wood as shown in the photo below. 

3. Mix your epoxy and apply it to the piece of dowel. Put in the neck of the flamingo and allow 30 minutes to dry. 

4. You can spray paint the flamingo before or after these steps. I painted mine after gluing in the dowel.

5. Drill a hole in the wall slightly smaller in diameter than your screw. Twist the finished hook into the hole, and hang your favorite jewelry or tote bags from them!

*I wouldn’t recommend hanging a coat from these hooks, as the neck of the flamingo will bend and might snap off*

I’m hoping to do more home projects now that I have a much larger space to photograph and work in. Plus, I studied mostly furniture design in school, and I have stuff in mind I want to make for the new studio! I have a lot of Ikea hacks and storage ideas on the brain for this space, and I’m planning on doing a full studio tour when everything is settled, so come back for that!

Ice Cream Cone Bank: Girls Pop-up | Banana Necklace: Pauline Hagan | Name Straw: Krazy Straws | Sunglasses & Wave Dress (on me): The Whitepepper 

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8 Responses

  1. These are wonderful! Iwas so inspired by these I went out and did versions of my own, which now serve as towel hangers next to our outdoor hot tub. They’re just awesome and we couldn’t love them more. Thanks!!!

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